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Governance of the Academy Trust
School governing bodies are made up of people from school communities who want to make a positive contribution to children's education.

Our governing body consists of nine members, voted on by staff, parents or the Board of Governors, who represent the staff, parents, local community and the local authority. Each Governor serves on the governing body for a term of four years. 

Governors govern rather than manage.  Their role is one of direction and focus; they make decisions collectively on matters such as performance targets, school policies, finance and staffing and the school's strategic development.

In addition to providing support and advice to the Headteacher, their role is to challenge the Headteacher by gathering views and asking searching questions to make sure that any decisions taken are in the best interest of the school.


Welcome from the Chair of Governors
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Heather Garth Primary Academy School on behalf of the Local Governing Body.

The role of the Local Governing Body is an extremely important one. We work very hard as a team alongside the staff, management, parents and pupils to ensure that Heather Garth Primary Academy provides an outstanding education for your child. We also monitor the safety and welfare of our children and strive to create an open, caring atmosphere where everyone feels valued.

We are extremely proud of the achievements of our children and of the high standards maintained in both learning and behaviour. It is our role to support and encourage the Headteacher and all staff to ensure each individual pupil has the opportunity to make progress as they move through school.

I feel privileged to be the Chair of Governors at Heather Garth Primary Academy and to lead an experienced team who work hard to share their expertise to challenge, support and guide the school forward.

I am always available to discuss matters relating to school and can be contacted through the school by phone, letter addressed to myself or email: [email protected]

Sandra Farr
Chair of Governors


Parent Governors
There are two parent representative governors who are elected by parents, you are invited to contact them if you have any concerns or ideas relation to the school.  The current parent Governors are:

Mrs Stephanie Hibbert. Her email address is:  [email protected]  and Mrs Katie Jo Brown. Her email address is: [email protected] 


Name of Governor

Mrs Sandra Farr  - Chair

Mrs Stephanie Hibbert

Mrs Katie Jo Brown

Mrs Katy Conlon

Mrs Anne Stamps

Mr David Roberts

Mrs Paula Bennett

Mrs Marie Bower

Mrs Jayne Winnard  – Headteacher


Contact Us

Heather Garth Primary Academy

Billingley View
S63 8ES

01709 894149

[email protected]

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