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Year 4 2023 - 2024

Mrs Bower

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Carr

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Little


Mrs Howe

Learning Support Assistant

Miss Bainbridge

Learning Support Assistant and Extended School

Welcome to Year 4!

Throughout the year, the pupils will study six topics: Europe - Italy Focus, Mountains - The Alps, Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Scots, Vikings and Water World.

As part of the Roman and Viking topics we will be taking part in two 'History to Life' days and as part of the Water World topic we will be visiting the Ewden Education Centre to learn all about the water cycle.

Within these topics, we will also take part in a range of lessons to develop their knowledge and understanding of Art, DT, History and Geography. In science we will learn about: Living Things and Their Habitats, States of Matter, Electricity, Animals Including Humans and Sound. Pupils will also be given the opportunity to develop their investigative skills through the use of experiments.

Things you need to know:

  • Spellings are given out on a Wednesday and are tested the following Wednesday.
  • Weekly homework will be given out on a Friday and will be due in the following Thursday.
  • Our PE days are Tuesday's and Thursday's each week.
  • Bring you planner to school every day.
  • Read at least four times a week and sign your planner each time you do so.
  • Complete a book review once a week – you will be given a day that this will be checked by Mrs Little.
  • Practice your timetables at least 4 times a week. Don’t forget to use the TTRockstars app!


online 6-10.JPG

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Contact Us

Heather Garth Primary Academy

Billingley View
S63 8ES

01709 894149

[email protected]

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