Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Little
Mrs Rees
Learning Support Assistant and Extended School
Mrs Hardman
Learning Support Assistant
Welcome to Year 3!
Throughout the year, the children will study six topics: Food and Farming UK, Stone Age, Journey to Scotland, Down the Pit, Rivers and Ancient Egypt. Within these topics, the children will take part in a range of lessons to develop their knowledge and understanding of History and Geography. Children will also cover a range of Art, DT, RE, PE, Computing, Music and Spanish objectives.
In Science the children will learn about: Rocks, Light, Plants, Forces and Animals Including Humans. They will be given opportunities to develop their investigative skills through different types of enquiry, including observations, problem solving and pattern seeking.
Things you need to know:
- Spellings are given out on a Thursday and are tested the following Thursday.
- Weekly homework will be given out on a Friday and will be due in the following Thursday.
- Our PE days are:
- Autumn Term - Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Spring Term - Monday and Tuesday.
- Summer Term - Monday and Tuesday.
- Bring you planner to school every day.
- Read at least four times a week and sign your planner each time you do so.
- Complete a book review once a week – you will be given a day that this will be checked by Mrs Little.
- Practice your spellings and timetables at least 4 times a week. Don’t forget to use the Spellingshed and TTRockstars apps!
- Our Library day is Thursday.
Files to Download
Year 3: Blog items
10.02.2025 Happy birthday to............, by Ms Winnard
Celebration of Learning 07.02.2025, by Ms Winnard
Happy birthday to ............, by Ms Winnard